A Hardware store near you?

A Hardware store in Coupeville

Sometime last year Coupeville lost its only hardware store and the community felt the loss. I can tell you I was in that hardware store at least twice a week. Now a quick run to the hardware store takes a 20-minute drive either way, each way. That's an hour of your time just for some screws or a paintbrush. A small town should have a hardware store, don't you think?

“Rain Shadow Nursery & Hardware” has a nice ring to it. Opening Friday, November 15, 2024, Coupeville will get its hardware store back. Sure it will be a small hardware store but we hope it will serve the community well.

We will stock hand tools and painting supplies, some plumbing and electrical repair products, light bulbs and extension cords, nails screws, and other fasteners. And yes we will have duct tape and glue and hopefully everything you might need.


Coupeville Music Boosters


Change is in the air